This German Designer Makes Cat Condos, Bridges And Walkways That Your Kitty Will Drool Over

By Shiva Kumeow

When Mowgli, a beautiful german short-haired tabby cat “outgrew” his cat-dad’s apartment, he did what most humans do under similar circumstances.

He told his Cat-Dad he needed to upgrade to a Cat Condo.

Luckily for Mowgli, his cat-dad Stefan Hofmann was both a carpenter and a creative designer. Over the next few months, Stefan Hofmann designed and built a series of beautiful, modular cat furniture and walkways for his cat Mowgli. Here’s an example.

The German company specializes in making very attractive kitty towers and walkways.

Mowgli loved it, and so did a whole lot of people who saw pictures of Mowgli’s Cat Condo. You can see why.

And this was the epic result.

Cats could go an entire day without ever actually setting foot on the ground.

Soon, Hofmann started getting requests from cat-moms and cat-dads around the world, who wanted a Cat Condo for their cats. That’s when Hofmann started his company called Goldtatze – a German phrase that literally translates to “Gold Paw”.

Goldtatze / Gold Paw designs and sells beautiful Cat Condos, walkways, bridges and scratch posts that mount on the wall and ceiling of your home.

Because then you could fill your Instagram feed with stuff like this.

If you thought your cat liked sitting on a bookshelf or on top of the furniture, then just imagine what it would do if it had access to its own wall-mounted heaven.

They are expensive, but like the saying goes, “You get what you pay for.” You can custom order and buy a “Cat Condo” from Hofmann’s website directly at

Meanwhile, here are some more of Goldtatze / Gold Paw Cat Condo designs you and your cat can drool over.

Most of Gold Paw's products focus on suspension bridges, climbing/scratching poles and kitty condos that are suspended from the ceiling.

Although, if your young and spritely cats love climbing, it would be totally worth the cost.

These pieces seem to be custom designed (and built/shipped from the EU) so it would cost a pretty penny to get one for your American feline.

Do also check out more of #EPIC / Gold Paw designs on their Facebook page and order online on their website at

Via HausPanther